i do not understand why they act oh so surprised.
i did warned them. guess never listening to anything i say has it's price.
or maybe they just didn't take me seriously.
i had to be exagerating. thought it was all part of an image.
oh but if she's just so sweet. and passive, ah?
well there you have it.
of course i'm like this. i'm always like this.
they just really didn't saw it comming did they?
it's funny how even in my loose-loose situation, i'm not hurted.
and i am hurting. almost unintencionally.
it's just too much fun.
i don't know how can you laugh now.
someday you will ache like i ache.
que tato
cumple años!!!!!!!!!!!!
buuuuuh, no es un ser ahistórico!
y sabés qué más descubrí?
(que los chetos y los chinos tienen el mismo acento)
que nos conocemos hace 6 años, y tenemos 18 años, osea que estuvimos solo 12 años sin conocernos, y que a tal paso, vamos a conocernos más tiempo del que pasamos sin conocernos, y es demasiado loco y las leyes de la matemática y newton y houdson (el río) son nombres que suenan parecido y DIOS MIO! te acordás de pato? de chichi? o de necol?!!!!!!!!!
adios, luna de luces lumínicas lúdicas luganas lejanas shamanas chamanes chamán chamán chamán (al sonido de las campanas)
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